Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Monte Carlo Simulation: Smart Bet for Baby Boomers' Retirement Plans

The baby boom generation, those 77 million Americans born during the postwar period of 1946 to 1964, has witnessed the Dow Jones Industrial Average increase by a factor of 40 and has also enjoyed approximately 500% growth in home equity during their adult lives. But somehow, 25 million of the 77 million boomers currently have a net worth of less than $ 1,000 (excluding the value of their home equity). Boomers' financial situation, combined with rising life expectancies, means they will require high-quality retirement planning advice. Many of them will want that resource to be their tax advisor or a referral from their tax advisor.

Monte Carlo Simulation: Smart Bet for Baby Boomers' Retirement Plans
Source: Insurance News Net

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