Tuesday, August 08, 2006


The Power to Protect Your Nest Egg

In 96 mostly raucous years, Kate Hepburn cultivated a tough edge and a skeptical eye that enabled her to prevail over a succession of self-interested people -- Hollywood studio dragons, leading-man lovers (Howard Hughes, Spencer Tracy, et al) -- who otherwise might have exploited her.

It's a shame that Hepburn could not pass her hard-won wisdom on to her East Side Manhattan neighbor, Brooke Astor, the fabulously wealthy philanthropist and social lioness who has lived 94 years and counting. Poor, trusting Brooke did not develop that protective edge. And now, with her mind apparently addled, her grandson, her son, her daughter-in-law and others close to her are publicly squabbling with each other over control of her nine-digit fortune.

The Power to Protect Your Nest Egg
Source: CBS MarketWatch

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