Monday, March 24, 2008
A Toxic Cocktail? The 'Extreme Makeover' of Annuity Agents into Registered Investment Advisors
Annuity agents are experiencing a continuing disruption of their traditional sales practices that began with the issuance of NASD (FINRA) NTM 05-50 in August 2005. It seems as though everything agents once viewed as stable has come under assault, including their public image, the products they sell, the advice they provide, and the seminars they use — not to mention the increased scrutiny of suitability and compliance standards.
A Toxic Cocktail? The 'Extreme Makeover' of Annuity Agents into Registered Investment Advisors
Source: Life Insurance Selling
A Toxic Cocktail? The 'Extreme Makeover' of Annuity Agents into Registered Investment Advisors
Source: Life Insurance Selling