Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Financial Advisers 'Reprogram' Boomer Clients with Big Portfolios to Emphasize 'Need, Not Greed'

In the final years of what has been one of the worst decades this century for stock-market investors, a growing number of baby boomers have reshaped their attitudes about risk and return. The turmoil of the past 18 months, coming on the heels of the bear market of 2000 to 2002, has created a heightened sense of fear and uncertainty among these investors. Many of the 80 million boomers between the ages of 44 and 63 are retiring already, and they need to stretch their savings to cover the rest of their long life expectancies. Any dip in the value of those nest eggs could prove devastating.

Financial Advisers 'Reprogram' Boomer Clients with Big Portfolios to Emphasize 'Need, Not Greed'
Source: Yahoo/Wall Street Journal

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