Monday, February 02, 2009


AIG’s Milton Sentenced: Considering the Whole Man

After AIG executive Chris Milton was convicted of securities fraud and other offenses related to the now notorious AIG/GenRe finite reinsurance transaction last year, his attorney pleaded to U.S. District Court Judge Christopher Droney that he “weigh the whole man” as he decided Milton’s sentence. It was the whole man that came to my mind when I heard the news that Milton had been sentenced to four years in prison.

In thousands of news reports and blog posts Chris Milton emerges as just another white-collar criminal, a greedy suit with a sense of entitlement out of proportion to his scruples. Innumberable reader comments characterize him as one of those larcenous villains who caused the financial trouble we’re in, and who are too seldom called to account. Such opinions are starkly at odds with “the whole man” in Milton’s case...

I&T: AIG’s Milton Sentenced: Considering the Whole Man

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