Friday, July 24, 2009


The Future of Insurance Sales and Distribution

Recently, one of my children graduated from university, which led to one of those typical (father to son) financial responsibility discussions. In this case, we were talking about the need for him to purchase his own automobile insurance...

Of course, I gave him the name and number of "our" insurance agent, to which he gave me "that look" (I'm sure every parent can relate) and said (very emphatically, I might add), "Dad, I'm not calling an insurance agent. I'll just take care of it my way." He then took out his phone (but, of course, not to make a call), to Tweet that he wanted to purchase insurance for his automobile. Within a matter of minutes, he then proudly displayed to me the fact that he had a friend request from a rather progressive insurance company for his Facebook account and upon accepting that "friend" was able to easily link to an online site to purchase insurance...

I&T: The Future of Insurance Sales and Distribution

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