Monday, September 14, 2009
Treasury and Labor departments angling for ‘automatic annuities’ in 401(k) plans
A movement gaining steam would remove hurdles for employers who want to enroll 401(k) participants in lifetime-income vehicles automatically
The Department of the Treasury and the Department of Labor will soon be taking steps to make it easier for companies to offer “automatic annuities” in 401(k) plans, Treasury senior adviser Mark Iwry said today...
Investment News: Treasury and Labor departments angling for ‘automatic annuities’ in 401(k) plans
The Department of the Treasury and the Department of Labor will soon be taking steps to make it easier for companies to offer “automatic annuities” in 401(k) plans, Treasury senior adviser Mark Iwry said today...
Investment News: Treasury and Labor departments angling for ‘automatic annuities’ in 401(k) plans