Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Indicted former NM investment advisor says investments were politically connected

Buried in Andrew Cuomo’s press release about Saul Meyer’s guilty plea to a felony is this blockbuster paragraph:

“In addition, from 2004 through February 2009, Aldus acted as an adviser to the New Mexico State Investment Council (“SIC”) and the New Mexico Educational Retirement Board (“ERB”) in the State of New Mexico. Meyer admitted that on numerous occasions, contrary to his fiduciary duty to SIC and ERB, he ensured that Aldus recommended proposed investments that were pushed on him by politically-connected individuals in New Mexico, knowing that these politically-connected individuals or their associates stood to benefit financially or politically from the investments and that the investments were not necessarily in the best economic interest of New Mexico.”

NM Independent: Indicted former NM investment advisor says investments were politically connected

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