Monday, January 11, 2010


Lunch Linkage: Chinese Bubble Economy, Stimulus and Unemployment, 2010 Outlook

Bubbles and Employment - calculatedriskblog
Chanos and Rogers: Right and Wrong on China - seekingalpha
US Stocks Surge Back Into Bubble Territory - businessinsider
More Observations On The Federal Reserve Buying Stocks - zerohedge
Rich reassess their financial priorities post recession - Jan. 11, 2010 - money.cnn

The Chinese bubble economy - creditwritedowns
Sorry, America: Stimulus Spending On Road Construction Does Nothing To Lower Unemployment - businessinsider
An Alternative Unemployment Rate.... at 11.7% - econompicdata
2010 Outlook: Bullish on Gold, Negative Returns for Treasuries, More Housing Weakness - seekingalpha
China's 'Terminal Phase' of Credit Bubble Excess - globaleconomicanalysis

PIMCO Discusses The Failed Keynesian Japanese Anti-Deflation Experiment; Implications For The U.S. - zerohedge
WisdomTree international ETF offers forex hedge - investmentnews
If Consumer Spending Is Improving, Where Is It? - The Market Ticker -
The Scariest Retail Sales Chart Ever - businessinsider
A Look at the REITs that Outperformed the Broad Market for 2009 - zerohedge

$24 Billion 91-Day Bills Auctioned Off At 0.041%; Window Dressing Theory Fail - zerohedge
Federal Reserve Seeks to Block Release of U.S. Bailout Secrets - bloomberg
Executive Pay - Salaries and Compensation for Management - online.wsj
Hedge Fund Boss: Proposals for Carried Interest Tax Hike Show Economic Ignorance - businessinsider
UBS Conspiring To Keep Employees From Quitting? - dealbreaker

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