Monday, April 26, 2010
Roth conversions: Beware the hype
Since the ban on converting to a Roth IRA by folks making more than $100,000 was lifted this year, the buzz surrounding conversions has been deafening.
Everywhere you turn, some adviser or investment firm is blaring the benefits of switching to a Roth: Tax-free withdrawals! Tax-free returns! A tax-free legacy for heirs! But before you hop on the bandwagon, keep the following in mind...
CNN: Roth conversions: Beware the hype
Everywhere you turn, some adviser or investment firm is blaring the benefits of switching to a Roth: Tax-free withdrawals! Tax-free returns! A tax-free legacy for heirs! But before you hop on the bandwagon, keep the following in mind...
CNN: Roth conversions: Beware the hype